It is true I was seven years old
Pretending I was your wife
Two drops
One, a tear
One, of blood
Two drops
Mixing disappearing
The Tear the whole of a lifetime
The blood the essence of sacrifice
The Tear was the color of the rising moon
The blood was the color of the sun setting down
It is true
You put an end to my life
Doctor let me tell you
whatever happened in my life is fictitious
my pain belongs to the night
my truth to a dream
any resemblance you grasp
is pure coincidence
I choose to act quiet while
overwhelmed by feelings
Should I spring into action
What would be the use?
I resist the relationship with you
and plan to kill you after
few sessions
Then I will surprise myself
wondering why I rushed
into this not to let it go.
Mom, Look out for me
the one you never invited on to your lap
It hurts Mom
it God damn hurts
You, my friend that I always loved
but thought I had to loose
Renovate your life
then the universe will be ours
I humbled myself
I have come to believe
Love grows from forgiveness
Chinese mongrels make good dogs
The evidence of God exists
in the softness of life
This, at least I have experienced
I know this much is true
I want to share it with you
MEMORY OF A SCRATCH I didn't do it, he said
I didn't do it, she said
I did it, said the memory
In my dreams I fasten seat belts
In my dreams dogs are barking
In my dreams I sleep alone
In my dreams I go bowling
In my dreams there is a way in
and a way out
In my dreams from nowhere
I go somewhere
In my dreams I travel to Mexico
In my dreams I wear perfume
In my dreams I know the second
I will be caught
In my dreams, death has something
to do with it
Therefore my dreams are